1. Education
1. Ensuring 9-Year Basic Education for all Rwandan children that will tremendously improve literacy levels in the country
2. A promise to have Universal Secondary Education by 2017
3. Making education accessible by all with no segregations, particularly promoting Girls’ and Special Needs’ education
4. Encouraging parents and communities’ involvement in education
5. Introducing English as medium of instruction in schools to make Rwanda more competitive on the global stage
6. Creating 14 new Higher Learning Institutions, almost tripling Higher Education enrolment in 7 year years
7. Providing scholarships to the best and brightest Rwandan students to pursue their studies in the best universities of Europe and North America;
8. Promising to achieve 100% literacy by 2017 through effective adult education;
9. Introducing technology in schools starting with primary schools under the ’One Laptop Per Child’ program
10. Increasing the number of qualified teachers at all levels of education through effective distance learning and in-service training and remunerating them adequately.
2. Health
1. Raising the life expectancy in Rwanda from 43 to 53 years;
2. Introducing 6 types of health insurance including the famous “Mutuelle de Santé” resulting in a health insurance coverage of 94% of the population;
3. Introducing universal immunisation programmes;
4. Introducing health awareness programs;
5. Reducing deaths from malaria by 75%;
6. Reducing infant mortality by 70%;
7. Reducing HIV infections from 9 percent to 2%;
8. Building a clinic in every sector;
9. Reducing water-borne diseases by 60%;
10. Ensuring that more doctors and nurses are trained and deployed evenly across the country
3. Justice
1. Trying over 1,100,000 cases in the Gacaca court system;
2. Undertaking a complete restructuring of the justice sector;
3. Introducing many laws for different sectors that brings orderliness in State functioning;
4. Releasing over 80,000 genocide convicts safely into the community while ensuring law and order in the society;
5. Making convicted prisoners give back to society through work schemes;
6. Building over 100 new courts of law;
7. Training over 300 new judges;
8. Creating an independent judicially and an independent Judge selection process;
9. Promoting local mediation services to reduce backlog of court cases;
10. Introducing the commercial courts and streamlining the justice system by merging the administration process;
4. Agriculture
1. Introducing crop intensification programme and boosting agricultural production by 10 percent annually;
2. Introducing the cooperative system to buy produce from farmers;
3. Diversifying the crops cultivated through sensitisation;
4. Significantly reducing poverty and mal-nutrition through the one cow per family: “the Girinka” programme;
5. Introducing a phone text service that can inform farmers of the latest crop prices
6. Making subsidized seeds and fertilizers available on credit;
7. Promoting mechanised agriculture through a scheme of 1 tractor per village
8. Making veterinarians more widely spread across the country
9. Introducing irrigation farming
10. Making ‘hunger’ a history in our country
5. Economy
1. Increasing average earnings of Rwandans from $220 to $560 in 7 years!
2. Strengthening the private sector and streamlining doing business in Rwanda;
3. Increasing the tax base and total revenue collected domestically ;
4. Promoting credit to small to medium sized enterprises;
5. Increasing domestic funding of government to development projects in national budget from 10% to 50%;
6. Promoting transparency by fighting corruption;
7. Diversifying the economy by promoting new sectors like mining and tourism;
8. Promoting foreign direct investment to nearly $1 billion annually;
9. Making poverty-reduction the hallmark of economic development;
10. Cutting down on government expenditure through initiatives like reducing on the number of government vehicles;
6. Security
1. Making Rwanda one of the safest places in the world
2. Devolving security responsibility down to the local level
3. Reducing crime through local initiatives
4. Professionalising the Army and integrating former hostile elements
5. Fighting impunity and corruption in the army and hence cementing discipline
6. Sending Rwandan soldiers and Police officers to keep peace in war ravaged places like Darfur, Haiti, Liberia, etc.
7. Introducing electronic ID cards to all adults
8. Instituting a police force that is disciplined and highly professional
9. Establishing a credit scheme for the Army and Police
10. Making peace with neighbours like Democratic Republic of Congo
7. Foreign policy
1. Making Rwanda a respected partner in regional and international affairs
2. Improving Rwanda’s relations with former hostile nations like France and DRC
3. Making Rwanda one of the biggest contributors of peace-keepers in the UN
4. Working tirelessly to track and prosecute Genocide suspects
5. Joining the East African Community and the Commonwealth
6. Being one of the foremost advocates of fully integrated EAC
7. Relentlessly promoting Rwanda abroad and expanding her relations to countries such as Australia, Singapore, South Korea, etc.
8. Chairing powerful global initiatives like the UN MDGs and the ITU Broadband Commission and serving on the Advisory board of the World Bank.
9. Creating special friends for Rwanda that have always defended our cause.
10. Refusing to be bullied by the west and always insisting on an equal voice for Africa on the global scene.
8. Technology
1. Making ICT the main focus of our long-term development
2. Making technology integral to government service provision
3. Supporting the one laptop per child policy
4. Laying thousands of kilometres of fibre-optic cables
5. Connecting all government centers to the internet
6. Abolishing import duties on ICT equipment
7. Building one of the best telephone network systems in the region
8. Strongly advocating for undersea cable to land on EA coastline and now eventually in Rwanda
9. Turning Rwanda into an influential country on ICT global issues
10. Emphasising on ICTs in our education programs and setting up institutions to oversee this program
9. Infrastructure
1. Constructing good roads across the country
2. Building communication towers to help link outlying areas
3. Setting up building regulations to improve basic infrastructure
4. Reducing tax on building materials to encourage growth of the industry
5. Bringing electricity to all major areas, with plans to expand it to every village
6. Coming up with a master plan and securing funding for a new international airport
7. Advocating for Isaka railway line which will reduce transport costs
8. Ensuring that Kigali master plan is implemented
9. Building district and sector headquarters nationwide
10. Investing heavily in ICT infrastructure
10. Kagame, the man
1. He is a man of principle and values
2. He is pragmatic and ready to make tough choices in the interest of his country
3. He promises and delivers
4. He is patriotic and wants the best for Rwandans
5. He is a visionary and inspirational leader
6. He is intelligent, skilful and innovative
7. He is a humble man who does not value personal gains
8. He is not a man to bully and he is never shaken by circumstances
9. He has a humble background that shapes his character as a down-to-earth leader
10. He is a family man and cherishes family values
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